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Ms. Dawn - @ World Around Us Child Care in North St. Paul

Miss Dawn - Director of World Around Us Child Care in North St. Paul

Dawn R.

The good soul of World Around Us North St. Paul


Dear beloved followers of this wonderful blog,

Hi, my name is Dawn and I have been working here at World Around Us Child Care since the beginning of this century, January 2000 to be more precise. This may sound fairly long to you (since I mentioned the century part) and it has indeed been almost 21 years now, but to be honest it feels like it was last month that I came through those doors for the first time.

It is probably no surprise to you that everything looked a little different back then and we did not have as many children as today of course. But that's what makes this job here so great. Along with Becca, founder and owner of WAU, I have seen so many wonderful children with their unique stories come through our doors that I can honestly say my job is different every day. Working with such young ages and seeing them grow up is a true gift. Some of the kids even started to come back as young adults to work here! That shows me that we must be doing a lot of things right.

I am extremely happy to have been part of the long journey of World Around Us Child Care.

"Have a good day, learn lots, change the world!" - Dawn R.

(this is what Dawn says to the kids every day)

Why did you choose to become part of WAU?

I loved the "family" atmosphere and felt comfortable and welcome from the first moment on.

What does a typical day at WAU look like for you?

I come in and greet the children who are already here. Throughout the day I welcome everybody to our center, drive kids to school, spend time in office fulfilling my management tasks and duties and even help out in classrooms from time to time. Furthermore I give tours through our location and information about it to parents that are interested in enrolling their children.

Another vital but also fun part of my job is that I get to hear all the cute stories of the kids and I try to give them good advice, if they need it.

Whats's the most rewarding part of your job?

Watching the children grow and learn is something one can't buy with money. I have been here for a long time as have many of the children and watching them grow from babies & toes to young adults is AMAZING!

What's the strangest talent that you have

I have the unique ability to come up with useless information. I don't know if I want to be thankful for that, but to some people it seems to be entertaining.

If I randomly passed you in your car what kind of music would I catch you jamming to?

Anything! depends on the day. During the Christmas season I enjoy listening to Christmas jingles.

Last but not least: Describe World Around Us in three words



5 fun questions for the good soul of our NSP location

1. Chinese or Italian? - Italian, I love anything with pasta!

2. Be creative or genius? - Creative, I enjoy being able to create something out of nothing.

3. Cheese fries or chili fries? - I prefer cheese fries because I love cheese in general. Preferably cheese sweet potatoes fries.

4. Easter or Christmas? - Easter! I love the spring since it means new life!

5. TV or book? - Books, Books, Books!!!

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